Thursday, February 24, 2011

I have been away BUT doing Lomography

A total of 18 rolls.. 9 120mm and 9 35mm the 120mm cost me $104 plus postage. I don't mind dropping the films 2 hours away but going back is all too much. For $10 I save 2hrs and $10 of fuel plus traffic etc etc

Today To my surprise my 120mm films were in the mail waiting for me. WHAT! I had dropped them off around 11am yesterday and here they are in my mail box 10m thursday WOW. I am fully astounded. Talk about worth every cent.
Vision Image Lab 10 Danks St Waterloo. Highly Highly recommended. I have talked about them before but they keep amazing me.

So anyway. Some highlights.. Most of you follow my adventures driving around the desert on my other blog if not, please catch up so these next days of photos will make some sort of sense.

First two days Koen was here I had to work so I caught up with them in the afternoon and we chased ships
Clack Roll 1Circular Quay

Clack roll2 Hornby Lighthouse

Clack Roll 2 Rhapsody of the Seas
The weather was in the mid forties Celsius and even with Sunscreen you got burnt. Talk about Horrible. UGH. We were rather happy to be leaving Sydney on Sunday.

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