Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Damned weather gods

Its been raining almost constantly. My only day of f on a very long time and it is pouring!!

Been hoarding.. of course.

I did a swap with Kevin in Washington in the USA, and he send me 10 rolls of 400TX which was very exciting for me. I am still certain I got the better deal. We then did a swap for Soap and two rolls of 127 and he kindly had a gift for me, a power winder for my A-1. Aw :-) He also send me some CN440BW which I needed for a project (Except the damned weather wont let me)

Yay for good friends. I need to find a nice Xmas present even though he wont get it in time. :-( I have a few ideas.

My F/1.8 fell apart. Age I think and it was not made as well as the FD lens
50MM F/1.8 fell apart.
Inside of a canon lens

My social life is non existant, so without online friends, I would be very lonely indeed. SO a huge thank you to everyone I have "met" recently. I work far too hard and too many hours to keep up lots of real life social interaction.

My IG anniversary camera arrived in location one. :-)

broken f/1.8

My small parcel to Kevin
Kevin's Parcel to me

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